This was my first try at a bouquet with the Oasis bouquet holder, and I've got to say that I prefer a hand-tied bouquet. Hand-tied bouquets look so much more natural, and while the Oasis holder will help it to last longer, I think the holder just takes away from the overall look and feel. Here is the bird's eye view. It looks like a star! I'm sure if we all had more flowers our bouquets would come out much fuller, but everyone did a great job and it smelled amazing in the classroom.
And here's a side view. I used oregano to fill in the gaps since we didn't have enough flowers to fill our bouquets entirely out, but I kind of like it.
Another week we got to do a small wedding centerpiece. Carol brought in classic red and white flowers and tall vases for us to set our pieces on. I didn't get a picture, but it was a nice chance to see how adding height to an arrangement can really change it. I wasn't in love with my outcome, but I'm sure with practice I'll find what I like best.
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